Port operating companies will invest around R$ 10 bi in Public Ports
The federal government will start issuing authorizations for the anticipated renewal of leasing contracts of public port areas that were signed based on Law 8.630/1993 (old Ports Law). These are terminals that were leased to the private sector after 1993 and which will have their contracts terminated by 2020 and on.
In accordance with the new port sector regulatory framework (Law 12.815/2013 and Decree 8.033/2013), port terminals must present to the National Agency of Waterway Transportation (ANTAQ) projects regarding the expansion and modernization of their facilities in order to have the right of a new 25 year term extension.
In exchange for the anticipated renewal of their contracts, the companies must present a long term investment plan which must be sent to ANTAQ. The Agency will then carry out the analysis of the request and after its green light submit it for SEP´s approval of the renewal. More than 20 companies have already requested this anticipation.
When promoting the anticipated renewal as established in the new regulatory framework, the government tries to stimulate private investments for port infrastructure modernization. SEP estimates that the renewals will reach a total of R$ 10 billion in investments, involving around 40 terminal leasers.
It is worth noting that older contracts, signed before 1993, were included in the Port Terminal Leasing Program, which shall tender 159 areas in statutory public ports.